Monday, July 25, 2011

My Studio!

Really, we refer to it as my office or the craft room. But I like the word "studio". Makes me feel like an artist.
Here's the view from the door. Of course there are already projects everywhere.

This is the "office" area. For paying bills, filing, correspondence, life organization, and photo management. This is probably the most important and least "fun" part of the room.

This is the cutting table/quilting table/paper crafting area. The big table is up high so it's comfortable to cut fabric. It has good light, thanks to my desk lamp from Junior High. I can spread out a big blanket and baste it or tie it, and I have a stool for doing sit-down work. (Like maybe catching up on years of scrapbooks?)

This is the sewing area. I need a better chair, hopefully someday one that swivels, so I can put the serger on one side and the sewing machine on the other. When I'm not in the middle of sewing something, Anna works on things at this table.

More details tomorrow. :)


Dad said...

Is a studio anything like a study room?

Susan said...

"photo management"? Really? :)

Jenny said...

Wow, that looks amazing! What an accomplishment to get that all set up so perfectly!

Is that downstairs? Looks like there is a lot of light.

Amanda Stehlik said...

Wowza. I love it. I want to live in your many specialized places to work on so many different lovelies.

betsyann said...

Dad-exactly the same, I think. But maybe with less studying. Too many fun distractions.

Susan-I don't know what else to call it when you take 100's of photos every week.

Jenny-thanks! It took 6 months! It is downstairs, I cheated and took pictures when the light was best.

Amanda-thanks. Now, if only I had 48 hours a day...

Melanie said...

Fun! What a pretty yellow color. When we are old with nothing to do, I'm going to come craft with you. :)