Tuesday, June 26, 2012

12th Anniversary

Our 12th wedding anniversary was last summer.  Linen is the traditional gift, so I collaborated with Anna to make something on linen for Daddy's office.  She drew the picture and finally this summer I got it stitched. I discovered that Anna is a picky collaborator, as any true artist is.  She's not pleased with the leaves on some of the corn.  :)   

This is my first embroidery project other than cross stitch, and I feel good about it.  It was fun and quick and I like the end result.  Those are pretty much my requirements for any crafting project.  I think we'll do more things like this in the future!

Now I have less than a month to figure out 13...Lace or textiles....  

1 comment:

dbilberry said...

That is precious!