Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Back to work

Just a quick post tonight--

I went back to school today, and while I definitely feel overwhelmed and like I have no idea what to do first in this new job, I was so very happy to get up and go to work and see and hug kiddos and see and hug teacher friends and talk about books and make Kindergartners laugh.  I am so fortunate to have this opportunity.

Now I just have to learn how to be a librarian.  And how to turn off the warning bells in my head anytime I hear myself speaking in English!

I think it's amazing how much better everything goes when I go to work.  The past three weeks I don't know that I've been able to do anything-and today I went to school, came home, fed everyone, made 20 breakfast burritos for future mornings, made dinner, did some weeding with Katie, helped Anna with homework, tidied, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned up dinner, and chatted with Linda and Matthew!  I'm going to bed now, and the only thing that didn't happen was sewing a little on my latest project.  I even read the newspaper!

It must have been all of your prayers.  Thanks.  :)


In the Mix said...

I was wondering how it went. Yay for a good day and productivity!!

dbilberry said...

I agree. Something about going to work makes me more productive too. Glad it went well.

Anonymous said...

I like how you casually threw the "20 breakfast burritos" in there...just another day on the farm! :) Lins