Saturday, October 17, 2009

Accidental Gardening

We have a hole in the back yard from when they put the water line in to the house (which always brings to mind Matthew's explanation of the plot problems in The Lovely Bones, but that's another story) and I always just throw weeds and other organic stuff into the hole, figuring that someday it'll all become dirt and fill it in.

This fall I noticed something green growing out of the hole, and found a nice little surprise pumpkin. I think I must have tossed the teeny decorative pumpkins in there once we were done with them last year.

It's just the right size to go with my teeny pilgrims!


dbilberry said...

That pumpkin is so perfect it looks like plastic.

Unknown said...

It is so cute and pretty. Love you tiny pumpkin!

Amanda Stehlik said...

That makes me smile! We had an accidental pumpkin two years ago in our burn pile...same thing, tossed the old pumpkins there the year before. It was a nice pumpkin. I think we might have carved it.