Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Anna and I ran into town last night for a church meeting, and since we had no babies with us, we stopped by Goodwill for a quick look, and found something that I have been wanting for a really long time.

I think I actually gasped when I saw it.  I registered for this when we got married, almost 14 years ago, and then kept waiting to get one, and then they were discontinued.  I've had one on my Amazon wish list-$259.95!  

 I thought about wrapping it up for Matthew for Valentines Day, but I was too excited.  We opened it up and counted all the letters-all there!  Yippee!  The first year we were married Matthew and I played Scrabble all year and kept score for the whole year.  It was really fun.  2013 rematch?


In the Mix said...

That. Is. Awesome!

Melanie said...

Fun! Scrabble is something Shelby and I play in the winter--usually one of us ends up going to bed mad. :)

I'm pretty sure we have the Sesame Street placemat in the picture...