Wednesday, February 24, 2016

"The numbers match!"

Remember when Jimmy was getting up in the middle of the night to play with puzzles?  We solved that!  And it was really easy, and I wanted to share it with you in case you know someone who doesn't sleep enough.

I remembered reading this blog post a long time ago-I probably saw it on Pinterest or something, and so I googled something about kids sleeping longer and found it right away.

How to Teach your Children to Sleep Longer

In a nutshell-you tape a number (in our case a 7) over the minutes on a digital clock in the room, and tell the child that he or she has to stay in bed until the numbers match.  I'd say it took two or three days of asking Jimmy in the morning if the numbers matched, and putting him back in bed if they didn't, and after that, easy peasy!  He stays in bed until the numbers match, and then happily gets up.

Sunday during our weekly meeting (that's another new thing I'll tell about sometime) his contribution was that the numbers were always matching-when he went to bed and when he woke up-as his good thing about the week.  That means we're getting to bed on time, and he's waking up later, and not needing to wait in bed for the numbers to match.

It was such an easy solution-and that is a joy.

Please let me know about solutions you've found!

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