Sunday, June 14, 2009

Home again, Home again

We got up in the morning and got coffee...I almost left my purse on Chelsea's table.

We said goodbye and got on the train. Sad.

Walked back through Portland and rode the light rail.

Got to the airport and marvelled at how much nicer everyone was than in Denver. Amazing.

Ate sushi at the airport because it looked good. Had french fries first because I was starving.

Rode home on the plane.

Got to Katrina's.

Decided to start going home because I'd always rather stay up late than get up early. Made it to Lamar. Or Burlington, I can't remember. I listened to "Just like Heaven" on my ipod. It's a pretty good book. Not great, but entertaining.

Spent the night in a Comfort Inn.

Slept in, came the rest of the way home.

The house was clean, the family happy to see me.

Dispensed gifts, decided to take the weekend off too.

On Monday, had to start being a grown up again, but found it much easier after the rest.

It was a wonderful wonderful trip. Thank you Matthew! and Anna! and Joan and Marion and Abby and Dad and Margaret and Jim and Lainey and Linda and Spencer and Linda and everyone else who kept my family happy and fed and cared for while I ran away.

I really really appreciate it.

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