Thursday, February 11, 2010


The nice thing about Anna having a tiny class this year is that I can be a little crazy.

We made barrettes for the girls in her class (4). She drew the hearts and then I cut them out.

and then we slid hair clips into them and hot glued a smaller heart on top. Easy Peasy. (You can see stitches on this one, it's before I thought of hot glue).

For the boys (7), we made bean bags out of some animal print felt I had in the basement. Why do I have animal print felt? I'm not certain. I think it was a hand-me-down.

Then we made little cards. I had some blank pink cards (Super Clearance at Target...5 years ago?) so she just wrote "Happy *heart* Day" on the top and we taped a picture (of her choosing) to the front. On the inside, stickers and her name. We taped the barrettes inside for the girls.

It was really fun, but I don't know that I can keep it up if she has a class of 24 next year.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

So cute!!!!

I was expecting to have to make only 14, but they sent home a list of the entire 3rd grade plus teachers, librarian, principal... We decided to just go with store-bought valentines (which Isabelle is perfectly happy with) and little containers of bubbles for school and make some for other family and friends.