Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Craftzine is doing a yarn month and a Crochet-along to make this adorable panda. (A crochet-along is a group project. There's a teacher, and instructions, and everyone follows the same pattern, making adjustments and changes as they'd like, and everyone posts pictures and discusses the project. An internet craft party)

I'm excited. I think lots of us should participate. Amigurumi is really pretty simple, using just a few stitches, and it doesn't take too long. Those of you with nice tight stitches will do really well. Mine usually end up much too floppy, but I'm going to try!

Here are the instructions.

Any other takers?


Roach Momma said...

I would so do this if it weren't for this darn test (see my blog for the story) - grrr! Keep me posted on other corchet-alongs after oct 23rd. I can't wait to see yours!

Melanie said...

I want to...but I don't want to buy's so cute...

betsyann said...

I'm not planning on buying the yarn they specify. I'll just use stuff from my yarn stash. It'll be different, but that's the fun of it!